If you are looking to buy a birthday present simply type in the month and the year into the search box and that will display all the options open to you. You may be lucky and get an exact date match but you will certainly have a week or a month option. Click through to each magazine to find out the contents of each magazine to help with your final decision.
If you are searching for a "major" club you will be overwhelmed by results, so you will do better by searching for the year when specific events occurred. Searching for players and "lesser" teams will be more successful. The results will tell you which magazine your search appears in, as George Best for example, will appear in many different publications. The search may turn out to be both articles and photographs but this will be clarified on the publication listing.
The team associated with a player will be the team he was playing for at the time of the magazine's publication, so for example Jimmy Greaves appears as a Chelsea player, as well as an England and Spurs player. If a player has a national team listed in a photo caption this means he is wearing their national strip. Remember to try full combinations of names, for example you may need to try Tottenham, Tottenham Hotspur and Spurs. Finally, remember that copy deadlines were slower than they are now, so look at dates for up to 4 weeks after the actual event.