Topical Times January 27 1934 No 741 Includes 12 page Radio Review
Front Cover : Free gift
Back Cover : Cartoons
Exclusive gossip by Bohemian -picture of Walter Halsall doing his day job of selling Ledgers to Blackburns manager
Mainly about the players by Fuse-FA Cup preview Picture of Wilf Lowton Wolves and Ray Weetwood Bolton
I was branded a traitor by CE Sutcliffe picture of Fred Worrall Portsmouth
The invisible listener by Kenneth Nixon
The pitfalls of football : Bill Hall Tottenham Hotspur
The man who knew too much Desmonde Hille
The wanted man by JC Watson
Rising stars in football:
James Heale Bristol City
Fred Channell Tootenham Hotspur
12 page Radio Review:
Will Hay
Eric Maschwitz
Nosmo King
The Sentinel answers your medical questions
Boxing by Jeff Barr
The Mirth Makers
Santoi's Tips at a glance
Pools Forecasts and League fixtures
NB This issue does not include any free gifts or portrait panels.